These toddlers OWN us! They know how to make our hearts turn into mush. Just this week...

Faith was wide awake in the middle of the night a couple nights ago.. for like 2-3 hours!! She kept getting out of bed and playing with NOISY toys. A couple of times she left her room to go try to wake up Daddy. (which is hard to do) She ran up and down the hallway talking about elephants living in the zoo. (don't ask) Luckily, I was working and my office is directly below her bedroom. I could hear every move she made and as a result, I ran up and down the stairs multiple times. When she saw me, she would run and get back in her bed. One time, while she tried to wake up Daddy, I picked her up and smacked her butt. (not hard at all, over the cushiony pull up!) She was devistated. Faith cried and cried as I put her back in her bed. I started to play a video to help her to fall asleep. She tried to stop crying and said "Faith sorry". I never heard that before! She said it over and over "Faith sorry" *sniff* *sniff* Awwwwwwwwwwwww!! I was on my knees at her bed telling her it was ok, but she needs to stay in bed and go to sleep. Now she knows I am a sucker for an apology.

BRANDON is still bringing us hands full of poopies!! Although he has gone in the potty a few times and seems to like this potty training thing, if he happens to go in his pull up.. he is going to dig in and see what he can pull out! DISGUSTING! We have tried to get him to stop. Cold showers, spankings, time outs... but he still does it. (BTW - he LOVES showers now!) The other day, he did it again of course and I brought him upstairs to shower off. Daddy gave him a spanking. He cried and we again told him NOT to touch poop... blah blah blah.
After his shower, I had him standing on my bed while I was drying him off. All of a sudden, he gave me a BIG hug (patting his little hands on my back) and said "aww, you're so cute"
WOAH! All my anger washed away. He's good. Then he did the same thing to Daddy. Daddy and I were both laughing at the fact that he said that out of the blue! Of course, I say that to him all the time:) Cause darn, he IS cute!
Love these stories! Except the poop.. Ewwwwww....
Your blog is being nearly as neglected as mine. :-) How did the doctor's appts go?
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