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Friday, April 3, 2009

my husband rocks!

My husband and I have both been stressed out about different things here and there, but mostly money I think. We are all in stressful times right now! While my husband mainly worries about money, I go on to worry about the smaller stuff like house work. It is so HARD to keep a clean house with toddlers!! Sometimes I feel completely overwhelmed thinking every room needs to be cleaned pronto and I don't know where to start! Well, that is the kind of week I have had. My rockin husband has helped me A LOT this week! He has done the dishes, the floors and even brought out the magic eraser for the walls:) Thanks babe, you ROCK!
One month from today we leave for a 1 week beach vacation:) I think we can both really use a vacation! A week away from our work and house responsibilities will do wonders. OF course we will take our responsibilities as parents with us, but I am sure we will still have a fantastic time!


Sarah Bee said...

Awww....husbands are the best helpers! What an amazing guy extra kisses from you for that one! ;]

Anonymous said...

Very cool hubby! Thanks so much for stopping in at Babasfarmlife and commenting. Breast Cancer is a cause I am passionate about too!