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Friday, March 13, 2009

Breakfast and Shopping

Daddy took us to IHOP this morning for breakfast. You rock Daddy!

Faith STUFFED her face literally! She is like a hamster stuffing her cheeks.
After breakfast we went to Costco for some diapers and then we went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few inexpensive items for the beach:)

We are throwing our beach items in the hall closet until our trip. I think the kids are set... but I am not sure I can squeeze my butt into any of my shorts:( Might have to get at least 1 pair. Or starve myself for a month.

Just wanted to do some 2 minute blogging before my nap!! TGIF everyone:) ♥


Sarah Bee said...

IHOP is amazing!

Don't starve yourself for a month get some new clothes! =] YAY!

You have such a beautiful family!

I didn't know that you lived in Cocoa Beach, it was amazing, and I can't wait for Nate to take me back...I have a ton of pics on Facebook you should check it out!

GraceFromHim said...

Adorable Pics!!!
We live about 1 1/2 hours from the beach ...Oregon and Washington coast :)

We love to go to the beach!