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Friday, February 20, 2009

Valentine's Day Weekend Recap ♥

Better late than never! I have been meaning to blog about V Day weekend all week long.. but time has escaped me! I can't keep up with my own life! Any hoo, Valentine's Weekend was wonderful. As usual, whenever I PLAN out a day ... it goes completely different! Valentine's Day was no exception. I rescheduled my facial.. for this Saturday! Oh I almost forgt until right now:) WHEW. I wasn't feeling well and I want to have the best experience there so I rescheduled. Instead, we went out around lunch time. I dropped Scott off at the car dealer we have been visiting - we had been car shopping you know. We finally sold my car last week to a sweet 17 year old girl. (and her daddy) My car was her 1st car. Very cute! Of course we sold Scott's car just hrs after posting it on Craig's List. So.. time for a new car! More on that later.... After I dropped Scott off, I decided to take the kids to my all time favorite Restaurant - Tony's! My mouth watered as I drove there in a hurry. We walked in, grabbed a couple of high chairs and as I tried to put Faith in her chair.. her body stiffened and she screamed. She WOULD NOT sit in her chair. She screamed and cried. I decided to take her with me to order my food. She was happy. I ordered "for here" and took my # back to my seat. BIG GIANT fit again... I won't go into the details, but Faith had the biggest public temper tantrum I ever did see! Being alone with the kids and having our food finished and sitting there on real plates because I said "for here", had me in a bit of a pickle. I swear the entire restaurant stared at us. I took my daughter kicking and screaming out to the truck - leaving Zach there with Brandon. (who was the happiest little boy - oblivious to his sister's mood swings) I strapped Faith in and ran back inside to instruct Zach to join his sister right away.. so she was not alone. I packed up Brandon and our food and we left:( Faith screamed the whole way home! Sheesh. During the wonderful quiet nap time, hubby came home with a car. Woo Hoo!! More on that later....

We spent the rest of the day with the kids, yatta yatta, put them to bed and ordered our chinese food so we could settle in and FINALLY watch Fireproof! It was awesome.

Here are pics from the weekend:

I bought my husband and myself shirts from From*me tees as seen on Katy Lin's blog.

Poor Zach was sick over the weekend. Thank goodness there was a holiday on Monday to help him recover... other wise he would have had to miss school. Of course, it is sad that he didn't really get to enjoy his 3 day weekend:( He is all better now!

Giving my baby boy some love!!

My silly girl

Brandon and I

Happy Faith (later the same day as her terrible melt down!!)

Zach and Faith - hmmmm, he doesn't really look sick here does he?

Little gifts and cards I left for the kiddies

Zach with his Valentine's Day goodies:)


Um, the other way around! The pink one is for the girl! Oh well.

"Look a card! I can't read, but how cool!"

Gifts for my hunny. I made him a little scrapbook. Can't show the inside:)

A gift FROM my hunny♥

A note in a bottle - isn't it SWEET??? Faith handed me the bottle. (good thing she didn't drop it!) and Brandon brought me a mylar balloon with a card at the end! The balloon didn't last long, I didn't get a picture:( Brandon bit a hole in it. Poo.

My BFF Angel sent us a Valentine's package on Thursday last week. Isn't she the coolest? The kids each had a goody bag filled with candy and fun stuff! Angel and family also sent Shrek on DVD which is one of my FAVORITES. Not pictured here is a really cute coffee mug for me and see there is a bath pillow... which may be calling my name this weekend! Look at those 2 adorable little boxes.. Angel made those. One for me and one for Scott. They each had 3 ghiradelli chocolates inside. YUM!

Brandon and Faith checking out their goodies from their Godparents:)

FAITH: Hey, that book has a doggie on it, can I see?


FAITH: well, you can't see mine either!

(they both shared their books and made up later)

And now... for the big event from our weekend... our new car!

Isn't she beautiful??? We decided on a 2006 Infiniti M35X. Scott was in love with the performance of his BMW and was sad to let it go.. I wanted a car that was classy - so put the 2 together and we came up with this! This car is our toy - meant for when each of us go out to run errands or whatever without the kids. Therefore, I will still be driving the truck most of the time. LOL We can also take this car whenever we go out on a date! Hmmm, maybe once a year or so?? Tee hee. Oh and of course if one of us has to go into the office - this will be the ride.

All we have to do now is figure out how to work everything. Here is the inside....

I have no clue how to work everything. I figured out the stereo and the bluetooth for my phone - so that is all I really need:) Scott will be the main driver of this car - he is the one that usually gets out alone more.. going into the office or running errands that I don't like to do. Of course I am sure the babies will eventually be in this car too. Right now we only have 2 car seats.. but we can transfer them over if the truck needs to go into the shop or anything. Eventually, the babies will be able to use booster seats, they are so much easier and compact!

That was my weekend.. almost a week later:)


GraceFromHim said...

I remember those days of tantrums in public places.....soooo hard!
Love the tees and the note in a bottle . Your hubby is very creative with gifts!

I LOVE your car wow, that is very nice!

Valentines weekend for us...umm hubby had the flu Saturday and then I got it on Sunday :(

He felt Ok until the afternoon so the am was great he got me a new coffee pot and a very special card with a long note inside!

Sarah Bee said...

I have completely been slacking on my blog duties! Awesome new car lady! It's beautiful! =]

Sarah Bee said...

Oh Silly me...I thought the Valentine's recap was a different post! oops! Awesome picture of you guys with your new shirts! You guys look like fun! =]And are super cute together I'm glad you had a great day, even going a different way then expected.

Unknown said...

WOW a new car! Looks nice!!! My birthday was the day before valentine's so I got to celebrate two days in a row! YAY ME!!! Since we were short on money. I made hubby and the kids cards with my puter and my husband brought us all chocolate! YUMMY!