Saturday after nap time, we met Nana at the mall for dinner and shopping. (Nana needed to shop - I was a good girl!) I haven't been to this mall in a while and Brandon and Faith have never been to this play area. Since it was Saturday, however, it was CRAZY crowded! There were a lot of bigger kids RUNNING around, kids that could have easily hurt the smaller kids. But I had to let Bran and Faith play... I actually did a good job not worrying about them so much.
There were so many kids - Brandon didn't know what to do!
Zach helped me A LOT! He and I both kept our eyes on one - and we switched off on occasion.
Faith's pants are too long. LOL They would not stay rolled up!
Faith is one tough cookie! An older girl tried to push her off of this balance beam sorta thing - and Faith WON! I saw an older boy fall over on her head and she stood right up and kept playing. If any kids were in her way of the slide or anything, she went around or over them. I was impressed!
This is awesome!! I need to do this more, but I think I'll find a babysitter to hire. I need help! That way I can watch one and my helper can watch the other one.
Funny, we ended up at the mall to play this weekend too (on the suggestion of my step-mom while we were waiting for Joe and my dad to finish up the faucets). I'll be posting the pics soon- the boys rode a double-decker carousel and did the big jumpy thing, the tramp with bungie cords where they go SO high.
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