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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Must Keep Going

If you didn't know, I work Fri night (well, technically, it is Saturday morning - 12:30-8:30)
That is my "Friday" at work. Usually, I am SO psyched about my weekend, I get this strange energy that keeps me going on Saturdays! I don't have that energy today. Yet, I have a LIST of things to do! I need to get ready RIGHT NOW (not blogging) to go to a farewell potluck at Church. I will have the kids with me all day as hubby is out for the day hunting for granite.
The potluck actually starts at noon, so I want to be one of the 1st to arrive and the 1st to leave - not to be rude, but 1:00 is Brandon and Faith's nap time and I like to stick to the schedule.
After nap time I need to go grocery shopping. Then hubby and I have some things to do around the house. Hmmm, I guess as I type this post - it doesn't look like that much. It just seems like A LOT because I feel as tho I may collapse!

1 comment:

Angel said...

Hope you made it through. And are having a great weekend!