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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Can't Stay Wordless Today...

I just can't stop with a "Wordless Wednesday" post today. I picked up Zach on Monday. YAY! I also have a friend staying with us for a little while. She will be staying in the basement. I have to say, I am really enjoying the company! It is nice to have some adult conversation and "girl time". Plus, she cooks and cleans and helps with the crazy toddlers. WOW! While she is here, Scott and I will be able to go out on a date or two. SWEET! Plus, my friend and I are going to go power walking together in the evenings. Hopefully, I will lose some pounds while she is here:)

Yesterday, we went for a walk to the park. My friend's daughters were visiting and we wanted to burn some toddler and tween energy! We were all playing for about 30 minutes or so when I noticed an open (and possible used) condom on the mulch RIGHT NEXT to the slide that the babies were on!! I showed my friend and we took the kids home before the older kids would see. We were SO disgusted! I just sent an email with a picture to the community office so that someone will clean that up! I sent a copy of the picture of Bran and Faith above - the condom was right there in the mulch next to the bottom of the slide. (to the left of Brandon) I copied and pasted a patch of mulch for the picture for my blog and personal use. (so you won't see it) I was upset to see that it showed in my pictures even! YUCK! Onto happier moments before we were disgusted....

My friend's oldest daughter. What a great picture!

Brandon always looks a little nervous

Faith still loves the swings the best!

Zach with my friend's younger daughter. CUTE!

The girls did all my work for me so that I could just sit and chat with their mom. How nice!

1 comment:

Blasé said...

"Brandon always looks a little nervous"...LOL LOL

I guess the only positive thing about the swing that there was some self-control used during the 'act'??