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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tackle it Tuesday

Instead of blogging about A tackle I have completed, I will blog about what NEEDS to be tackled this week! Saturday is Zach's birthday and Sunday we leave for the beach. I don't want to spend Zach's birthday running around doing last minute packing or cleaning. I want Zach to have a special day:) This week Scott is in training all week and I am pretty much on my own with taking care of the babies. Of course I am working at night all week too. So, when will I get everything done? I have no idea. I will start with a list:

  1. Most Important: Get Brandon and Faith feeling well! They have caught themselves some colds or something. Faith is coughing her little head off, and Brandon has just been feverish and cranky. I don't think a dr will help, seems viral. Nothing I can really do besides worry and pray!
  2. Pay bills
  3. Finish laundry
  4. Finish packing (I started yesterday! If I pack as I do laundry, I won't have to pack last minute)
  5. CLEAN THIS HOUSE!! I will probably do most of the cleaning this Friday as it makes no sense to clean with toddlers running around. Like a friend said to me: "cleaning with kids is like shoveling while it is snowing" SO TRUE!
  6. Buy Kid Rock tickets (ok, this may not seem important, but I am going to this concert with one of my gf's this summer and I would like to get my tix)
  7. Finish tanning - I don't want to burn at the beach!!
  8. Lose a couple more pounds this week? Yeah right!
  9. Make more lists. Make sure I have every possible item I need for these toddlers!
  10. Be calm and stress free come Saturday. Have a great day with my 10 year old son and my in-laws.
  11. Call the resort to tell them I lost the check in info they mailed to me.
  12. SUNDAY: Pack the truck, put on some comfy driving clothes and drive my family to the beach! That's right, Mommy is driving and has control of the stereo!

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