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Monday, July 21, 2008

My Day in Review (just happened to fall on my Birthday)

Both Scott and myself will have to have very special birthdays NEXT year, because this year it was just not possible. Today was a rough day with a few nice moments. I slept in while Scott did the morning routine. That was really NICE! Scott brought me a large cup of coffee from 7-11 YUM! Scott and the kiddies gave me a big scented candle and some cute cards. I also received a button to wear that says I raise the GREATEST kids! I wore it proudly all day.
That sums up my nice birthday moments. Now for the rest of the day.. From 10 am to 2 pm I was on the phone rescheduling everything. Utilities, phone, cable, furniture deliveries, appliances deliveries, the movers.. YUCK! I stayed pretty organized so I don't think I forgot any one.
On top of that, Scott's cell phone rang all day with calls from our Realtor, lender, our buyer's lender, etc... We had to fax over some more stuff to our buyer's lender and also to start utilities at the new house and guess what?? We ran out of ink for our printer. (AND paper.. at the same time! Interesting) Funny thing.. before the twins were born we would have argued over who HAD to go and who got to stay, but now we fight over who gets to get out and run an errand. LOL (not really fight, but you know what I mean) I literally ran out of the house and jumped in my car. That was another nice moment.. a moment of alone time, listening to the radio and enjoying the air conditioning. Of course, I regretted it when I found out the ink cost $40!!!
Back at the house.. Scott took care of faxing paper work and I continued to pack. We had subway for dinner, it was yummy:)
Here is our current house situation in a nutshell: Our buyer's lender waited til the last minute and as a result their closing had to be delayed. First it was to be on Tuesday and now it looks as though it may be Wed and we can not close on the house we are buying til THURSDAY! GRRRR!!!!! So most likely, we will be moving on Friday morning. That's what it looks like now.
I am adjusting to the situation:) Gives me more time to pack. Here are some pics from the day:

Ummm, close the door Mom, we are having a meeting in here!

BRANDON: Woo hooooo!!! Boxes are fun!

FAITH: That's a long way down...


jennbecc said...

My fingers are crossed that all goes smoothly and that you get to move on Friday!

Braedan's World said...

Happy Birthday! Good luck with the move.... how stressful!