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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Bran Muffin and Princess Faith

Well, I have noticed a pattern in my days since I have been back to work. First of all, I am SO TIRED all of the time! I get home around 9:30 am. The babies have been fed and are happy. This morning we received LOTS of smiles from Faith. She made her Daddy want to stay home, but he had to go to work. I can see she melts his heart. She is a Daddy's Little Girl! By 11 am every day, they seem to be napping so I nap. Zach plays a video game, so he is happy too. We all stay in the living rm. 1:00 nap is over and it is time for the next bottle. I make Zach lunch and I feed the twins. This is what I SHOULD BE DOING next: put babies back down to rest while I do chores around the house. This is WHAT REALLY HAPPENS next: put babies back down to rest, and I fall back to sleep too! That is terrible. I am not spending any time with Zach. He ends up playing video games way too much. AND I am not getting ANYTHING done in the house!! My chores are piling up all around. The hot tub needs to be drained, cleaned and refilled. I have clothes in laundry baskets to put away, clothes in the dryer to put away and clothes in the hampers to be washed. Our front "yard" (if it can be called that) is being over run by weeds. Words can not describe the condition of our bedroom right now. It is difficult to get to the bed! Our closet has bags of clothes (all mine) spilling out of it. I had put away all my regular clothes after I started showing and filled my closet with maternity clothes. Well now I have bagged up my maternity clothes, but have not had time to put away my regular clothes. I can't really fit into my regular clothes any way. Tonight is my last night to work and then I get 2 nights off. Hopefully, I can get the rest I need and clean my house while also having time to enjoy my children!

1 comment:

Angel said...

I am home and just caught up on your blog. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! I will be able to see the babies every day this way. It's awesome~~~~